Elements Organic Acid Restroom Cleaner
  • Elements Organic Acid Restroom Cleaner
  • Elements Organic Acid Restroom Cleaner

Elements Organic Acid Restroom Cleaner


Quart bottles, 12 quarts per case



- A ready-to-use, organic acid fortified, heavy-duty multi-purpose bathroom cleaner

- Specially designed to address the environmental, safety and health concerns

- Readily biodegradable, this product will not accumulate in the environment and will not contribute to waste treatment plant sludge

- Especially effective on removing difficult stains from ceramic tile floors and grouting

- Light green color

- Fresh scent

- Quart bottles, 12 quarts per case

Cleans Away:

- Soap scum

- Hard water deposits

- Rust stains

- Body oils

- Fats and dirt

Can Be Used on Most Surface Such as:

- Windows

- Walls

- Tubs

- Toilets

- Showers

- Urinals

Product Details